Vietsovpetro to manufacture two rig bases for PTTEP Thailand
Vietsovpetro, has won a bid to manufacture bases of the ZWP12 and ZWP15 rigs for the Zawtika 1D field development project with PTTEP Thailand as the investor and Indonesia’s PTG as the contractor.
Vietsovpetro, has won a bid to manufacture bases of the ZWP12 and ZWP15 rigs for the Zawtika 1D field development project invested by PTTEP Thailand.
The ZWP12 and ZWP15 rigs’ bases are built at lots M9 and M11 in the Martaban basin, Myanmar waters at a depth of about 132m and 156m.
The ZWP12 rig base weighs about 5,200 tonnes, and the ZWP15 rig base is about 6,300 tonnes. The construction and launch of the bases are expected to finish in 15 months, starting from this September.
According to Vietsovpetro, as the bidding and construction of the rig bases have being carried out amid COVID-19, the company has rolled out numerous measures to ensure the compliance with regulations on pandemic control and prevention, and the quality and progress of the project.
Source: https://en.vietnamplus.vn/vietsovpetro-to-manufacture-two-rig-bases-for-pttep-thailand/207810.vnp