Thailand’s New parliament building construction deadline extended, again
Original 900-day contract heads towards eight years
10 December 2019
The House secretariat has extended for the fourth time the deadline for Sino-Thai Engineering and Construction Plc (Stecon) to finish building the new parliament complex, for another 382 days from Dec 15 to Dec 31 next year.
House secretary-general Sorasak Pienvej said on Tuesday that he signed the deadline extension agreement with the Stecon management on Wednesday evening last week. The previously extended deadline ends this coming Sunday.
The latest extension was not made solely at the request of the contractor, he said. He would elaborate on Wednesday.
Mr Sorasak was aware that Democrat Party member Watchara Phetthong had asked House Speaker Chuan Leekpai to investigate the latest deadline extension. Mr Sorasak insisted that the extension was rational.
Mr Watchara said on Tuesday that delays in the selection of contractors for the information and communication systems, public utilities and building exteriors were cited as reasons for the latest extension.
The 12-billion-baht construction contract was signed on April 30, 2013 and originally required completion within 900 days.
With the fourth extension, the construction period would now be 2,764 days, or nearly eight years, the Democrat politician said.
Source: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1812809/new-parliament-construction-deadline-extended-again