Promech Resources supplies Danish Kroll tower cranes for Thailand Wind Farm project

Construction News Product News

IMG_4190Promech Resources Co,Ltd the Thailand dealer for Kroll tower cranes from Denmark recently sold 3 units Kroll K760L tower cranes to Energy Solutions Management Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of Energy Absolute PCL.

These cranes are specially developed for the installation of wind turbines, have a maximum capacity of 95 ton and a maximum height under hook of 155 meter totally freestanding.

ESM is using the 3 cranes for the installation of the Had Kangnan wind farm in south Thailand consisting of 70 units Vestas 2MW wind turbines with hub height of 137 meter.

This new concept for wind turbine installation is proving to be very efficient and economical.


For further information contact:

Tim Schlebaum

General Manager
Promech Resources Co, Ltd.
Tel.: +66 2 717 1406-7, Fax: +66 2 717 1408



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