New bridge across Nan River collapses

Construction News

This local suspension bridge still under construction across the Nan River collapsed during heavy rain in Phichit on Tuesday night. (Photo by Sitthipoj Kebui)

An unfinished suspension bridge across the Nan River in Phichit’s Muang district collapsed on Tuesday night during a storm.

The collapse of the bridge, 139 metres long and 2. 90 metres wide, at Wat Samkha village is a major set back for the residents of tambon Khamang. It was being built to replace a much older pedestrian bridge.

Local officials accompanied by soldiers inspected the crumpled structure on Wednesday.

Residents told them the government should invoke Section 44 of the interim constitution to find a new contractor to replace the builder, who had failed to complete the job.

Thairath Online reported the new bridge was funded by the Department of Public Works and Town and Country Planning.

Construction cost had been set at 9.5 million baht. Bidding was called early last year and construction began on June  23, 2014.

The contract completion date was Feb 18 this year, but it had still not been finished when it fell into the river overnight. The contractor has been fined for failing to complete the work by the deadline.

