Myanmar earthquake has no affect on Thai dams: EGAT

Construction News Myanmar

The 6.7 magnitude earthquake in Myanmar last night has not affected Thailand’s dams, according to state-owned energy producer the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT).

A senior EGAT official, Weerachai Chaisakaew, said his organisation, which is responsible for the safety of its dams nationwide, had reviewed data received at seismographs installed at all dams and their data demonstrated that the earthquake had not impacted them due to being far from the epicentre of the earthquake.

Mr Weerachai said that the earthquake’s centre was 725km from Srinakarin Dam in this province, 428km from Bhumibol Dam in Tak province, and 352km from the Sirikit Reservoir in Uttaradit province.

He said that EGAT’s dams are regularly monitored and that residents of downstream areas are not in danger. (MCOT online news)

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