Increase in Coal Power Plants by 2030 is Myanmar’s Goal

Construction News Myanmar

Increase in Coal Power Plants by 2030 is Myanmar’s Goal

Myanmar looks to have a 17-fold increase in coal power by 2030.

Myanmar Electric Power Convention— Deputy Director for thermal power planning, Aye Min, said that most hydropower generators were up north in their country.

Construction of similar projects would need rigorous financial planning and would take years to complete. It would require investing in the grid to power the southern part of the country, he added.

Every year, Myanmar’s energy demands will gradually increase, thus the development of more thermal power plants should be advanced in order to solve this issue. Thermal Power would still continue to work without relying on seasonal or environmental conditions.

They proposed a master plan to solve this issue by relying on coal as a feasible energy source by 2030. Their expected output would total up to 7,940 MW or 33% of their installed capacity (23,594 MW). This is a large scale upgrade since currently; their coal energy production is at a measly 2%.

“Coal-fired power plants are a quick-win for our power production. We do not have another option”, Aye Min added. Myanmar plans to rely on coal as an energy source to be able to push their production to power the entire country. Only 33% of the country currently has electricity, that means 7.34 million of their 10.88 million households do not have power.
