Five Japanese companies eye EEC energy ventures to promote clean energy in Thailand
SEE ALSO: Rayong’s Smart Park Construction Scheduled For Q1 Of Next Year
Five Japanese companies have shown interest in investing in renewable energy businesses at Smart Park industrial estate in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) zone under a Thai-Japanese move to promote clean energy.
Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) agree to push ahead with projects that match the global trend in environmental protection, said IEAT governor Veeris Ammarapala after a recent online meeting with METI officials.
The five companies are Toyota Daihatsu Engineering & Manufacturing Co, Toyota Motor Thailand Co, Kansai Electric Power Corporation, Toyota Tsusho M&E (Thailand) Co and Osaka Gas (Thailand) Co.
Mr Veeris said Thailand and Japan plan to study ways to promote renewable energy business at Smart Park.
Under an agreement between IEAT and METI, a Carbon Neutral Industrial Estate committee will be set up to study clean energy development this year, he said.
Carbon neutrality refers to a net-zero goal that requires a country to strike a balance between emissions and absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Smart Park is set to be the first project in the EEC scheme, aimed to develop a high-tech industrial hub in Chon Buri, Rayong and Chachoengsao.
The new industrial park, to be located in Rayong, is expected to help boost the economy, contributing 52.9 billion baht to GDP and creating 7,459 jobs.
EEC will host 12 targeted S-curve industries: cars; smart electronics; affluent, medical and wellness tourism; agriculture and biotechnology; food; robotics for industry; logistics and aviation; biofuels and biochemicals; digital; medical services; defence; and education development.
Source: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/2122811/firms-eye-eec-energy-ventures