English Translation of List of Prohibited Occupations for Foreigners in Thailand
In April B.E. 2563 (2020), the Ministry of Labor of Thailand issued the Notification Re Prescription of the Prohibited Occupations for Foreigners (the “Notification”) by virtue of the Foreigners’ Working Administration Emergency Decree, B.E 2560 (2017) (the “Emergency Decree”), specifying types of the jobs/occupations that a foreign worker may engage in and may not obtain a work permit to engage in under the Emergency Decree. These jobs/occupations are called the prohibited occupations for foreigners. This Notification has opened more types of jobs/occupations for foreign workers i.e. a shop front seller/assistant, which was entirely closed to foreign workers under the B.E. 2522 (1979) previous subordinate legislation, which had been repealed by this Notification. Yes, this was a big change in over 40 years.
Now, the Department of Employment, Ministry of Labor makes available its (unofficial) English translation of this Notification at the below link (to department’s website). This English translation of the Notification might be of interest to those foreign workers who cannot read Thai scripts.
For a reference, I also include a link to the Thai version of the Notification.
As you will see, this Notification not only lists the prohibited occupations for foreigners, but also offers a definition of each of the prohibited occupations at the end of the Notification.
English Translation of the Notification: https://www.doe.go.th/prd/assets/upload/files/alien_en/6e4d2d43525d215fa74a42f2a69f3f25.pdf
Thai Version of the Notification: http://www.ratchakitcha.soc.go.th/DATA/PDF/2563/E/092/T_0014.PDF
This legal article was written by Narit Direkwattanachai, a corporate, tax & trial attorney at NARIT & Associates with expertise in corporate & commercial, commercial dispute and tax law. He holds a bachelor of laws (1st class honors) from Chulalongkorn University, a master of law from the University of Cambridge, UK and an MBA in finance from the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. He can be reached at narit at naritlaw.com
Narit Direkwattanachai
Corporate & Tax Attorney and Commercial Litigator, providing legal advice/representation to MNCs/entrepreneurs.
Visit: www.naritlaw.com
English Translation of List of Prohibited Occupations for Foreigners in Thailand – ENGLISH
English Translation of List of Prohibited Occupations for Foreigners in Thailand – THAI