EGAT told to get moving on plan to build a power plant with Cambodia

Cambodia Construction News Laos

Energy Minister Arak Cholatanon yesterday called on the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand to show progress in the plan to build a power plant with Cambodia.

Egat should co-invest with Cambodia in the 100-megawatt Strueng Nam hydropower plant, he said in a meeting with Egat management.

The two countries have agreed to conduct a feasibility study on the project but no headway has been made.

Thailand has to purchase electricity mainly from Laos, so the country should diversify its sources to create a balance, he added.

Egat governor Sutat Patmasiriwat said the authority planned to borrow Bt10 billion this year for working capital, but if the government wants Egat to fix the Ft rate (tariff) for May-August, it will need more liquidity.

The Ft burden for January-April is costing Egat Bt8 billion.

Besides loans it plans to issue bonds.

Electricity demand in the past two months expanded over 5 per cent year on year, while demand for the whole year is expected to rise 4-5 per cent.


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