Quarantines are killing Thailand’s tourism industry, and not even a long holiday can offset 14 days of isolation

Quarantines are killing Thailand’s tourism industry, and not even a long holiday can offset 14 days of isolation Despite reopening to long-stay tourists in October, Thailand attracted relatively few arrivals By comparison, the Maldives, which is quarantine-free, has recorded relatively respectable visitor numbers In the halcyon days of 2019, Thailand welcomed almost 40 million holiday­­makers […]

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Thailand’s Cabinet backs eight additional special holidays in 2021 to stimulate tourism

Thailand’s Cabinet backs eight additional special holidays in 2021 to stimulate tourism The cabinet yesterday approved eight special holidays for next year, including regional ones, to stimulate tourism. Deputy government spokesperson, Traisuree Taisaranakul, said Friday Feb 12 would be a Lunar New Year holiday, which is not normally an official one. April 12, a Monday, […]

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Thailand now welcomes Tourists from everywhere  newly amended Special Tourist Visa (STV) long-stay programme

Thailand now welcomes Tourists from everywhere  newly amended Special Tourist Visa (STV) long-stay programme Tourists from everywhere are now welcome to visit Thailand, irrespective of their countries’ Covid-19 situation, under a newly amended Special Tourist Visa (STV) long-stay programme. However, these travellers still need to comply with Thailand’s 14-day mandatory quarantine, deputy government spokeswoman Rachada […]

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