Bangkok construction workers suggesting minimum wage raise

Construction News

Construction workers in the capital city are suggesting that the government increase their daily minimum wage to 350-400 baht per day, saying that they find the present rate of 300 baht per day becoming inadequate to sustain themselves in the city.

Construction workers employed for condominium projects in the Din Daeng area in Bangkok suggested on Labor Day that the minimum wage be set according to changes in the economy, especially the rising cost of living that resulted from increased commodity prices after the raising of the country-wide daily minimum wage to 300 baht. They explained that an income of under 10,000 baht a month may no longer be enough for anybody to live on in Bangkok. The workers viewed that the minimum wage should be raised by 50-100 baht per day in the city.

In the meantime, Federation of Thai Industries Secretary-General Thanit Sorat has revealed that a large number of alien workers have been demanding that their employees raise their salaries to match the heightened cost of living in Thailand. In many cases they have been demanding a rise to 9,000 baht, from 8,000 baht, with a threat of quitting their jobs if the demand is not met.

Mr. Thanit said most employers agreed to raise the salaries, because several industries have been experiencing severe labor shortage.


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