Myanmar’s 280-megawatt Yeywa hydropower project to finish build in 2022
20 September 2019
Myanmar is planning to finish the construction of 280-megawatt Upper Yeywa hydropower project in 2022 and it will produce 1.409 billion kilowatts hours of electricity annually, according to Ministry of Electricity and Energy.
Hydropower Implementation Department is developing Upper Yeywa hydropower project on Dotawady River about 20 miles away from Kyaukme in northern Shan State.
Two 41-foot length iron reinforced tunnels are included in the project and they are located on the left bank of the dam. They are carrying water to generate electricity from four 70-megawatt turbines. The No.1 tunnel is 1,539 feet in length and No.2 tunnel is 1,749 feet in length.
At the present, about 40 per cent of the project is finished and the project is expected to finish in 2022, according to the ministry.
The electricity generated from the dam project will be accessed to national grid and it will be provided 2.7 million people (about 6.6 per cent of total population) more, announced the ministry.
Myanmar is producing over 5,600 megawatts of electricity from 51 state owned and private owned power plants across the country and the ministry has three power more projects in Kanpauk, Ahlon and Milaunggyine for future plan, according to the ministry.
More than 4.9 million out of over 10.8 million family households in Myanmar are using electricity and the ministry is planning to provide electricity up to 50 per cent of family households at the end of this year, said Dr Tun Naing, Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy.
It is required to increase the electricity production to meet the demand and the ministry is planned a 1,230-megawatt power plant in Kanpauk in Taninthayi Region, a 377-megawatt power plant in Ahlon in Yangon Region and a 1,390-megawatt power plant in Milaunggyine in Ayeyawady Region. A total of 250 megawatts of electricity will be generated in 2021-22 FY and up to 3,000 megawatts of electricity will be produced in 2025-26 FY, according to the ministry.
Source: https://elevenmyanmar.com/news/280-megawatt-yeywa-hydropower-project-to-finish-build-in-2022