Looking for JOINT VENTURE Partners for water and wastewater treatment equipment business for THAILAND AND VIETNAM

News Vietnam

Hi Friends, We are looking for JOINT VENTURE Partners for water and wastewater treatment equipment business for THAILAND AND VIETNAM.

Hi Fellows, We are looking for JOINT VENTURE Partners for water and wastewater treatment equipment business for THAILAND AND VIETNAM.

If anyone here is interested or knows anyone who might be interested for a Medium sized wastewater treatment Equipment manufacturing , please email at anoxkaldnes@gmail.com ,you may also have a look at http://dafwastewater.yolasite.com/ or on our principal’s Web: http://www.wockoliver.com/

Investment Required : USD 250 to 300 K (includes Land and building and basic machinery) and the possible Sales Turnover can be multi million dollars the complete business plan can be sent after initial introduction.

We can be contacted through any of our websites as well



Anox Engineering Inc


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